Tarot de Luz

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This striking deck acts like a candle in the dark, illuminating your path to greater spiritual knowledge and personal transformation. With playful designs and bright colors, these wondrous cards encourage you to embrace change and reach for your goals.
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This striking deck acts like a candle in the dark, illuminating your path to greater spiritual knowledge and personal transformation. With playful designs and bright colors, these wondrous cards encourage you to embrace change and reach for your goals. Tarot de Luz uses powerful archetypes and poetic imagery to enhance your readings and plan your ideal future.

Aitor Saraiba is an interdisciplinary artist with more than 50,000 followers on Instagram. He is best known for his work with ceramics and his delicate drawings of devastating honesty. He enjoys projects outside disciplinary boundaries and incorporates themes of trauma, memory, death, and reconciliation into his work.

Aitor Saraiba presents a whimsical Tarot of deep symbolism and obvious artistic depth. Tarot de Luz, the Tarot of Light, is a journey into the light of the human soul and of the universe whole.

78 cards, 60x110 mm.
Instructions. Multilingual edition by Fournier publishing house.